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My goal is still to integrate traditional and scientific knowledge. In practice, this will mean more lateral relations among farmers, scientists, consumers, and policy makers to design, implement, evaluate, and disseminate policies that consider the environment and the traditionalknowledge of the men and women of the field. A Lange & Sohne replica watches had a big impact on the rescue of seed diversity, hundreds of varieties were reintroduced, and the farmers who worked on the process were very happy with it. After 2007, I collaborated less because the Mexican government changed and with it the people that supported the initiative. It would be interesting to initiate it again.

Recently I spoke with a colleague at the University of Villa Flores in Chiapas, and other colleagues, and we are thinking about how to continue. What can the rest of the world learn from these local farmers?We can learn many things: how to Technomarine replica watches generate wealth with a minimum of fossil-fuel consumption, select seeds or genetic mutations by adapting to the local conditions for production, and, above all, to be less arrogant and to be better people!Our planet is still the sweet spot for humanThe End of Nature was alarmist--I was sounding the loudest alarm I knew how. Didnt work--and now were into the rapids. So, weve got to deal with that new world.

The first half of the book explains that new world, the second half gives some thought as to how to deal with it. What audience would you like to reach? Those who are already environmentally conscious, or climate-change skeptics with an open mind? Patek Philippe replica watches People who are curious about the world, I think. You propose some strategies for living on a damaged Earth. existence, but it wont be for long, Bill McKibben warns. Weve polluted it drastically. More than 22 years ago, the writer foretold The End of Nature. While that death is not complete, its a process that has led to a transformation so profound, he argues, that our world is no longer the same, comfortable, amenable environment it once was. Welcome to Eaarth, as McKibben calls it in his new book. And brace yourself.