Three foot waves and windy conditions have resulted in the second straight lay day at the Billabong Pro Tahiti. This is the third time in four days the event has been delayed, with four surfers still waiting for their first round ripping to commence.“We thought the swell would have filled in by now but it hasn’t hit yet so we’ve called replica Rolex 116200-BKSO Men's Watch competition off for today,” Luke Egan, Billabong Pro Tahiti Contest Director, said. “We’re monitoring some swell energy that could be filling in over the next few days so we’ll be back tomorrow to make another call.”
I was really surprised. I usually do during mountain bike stage races, but this year was not the case. Using a good chamois lube before every race can really help to prevent chaffing in that area. But, I had this coach when I first started racing and he replica Rolex 116200-BKSBRO Men's Watch wouldn’t let me use any type of chamois cream. He told me I would get addicted and never use it. So, I never really use that stuff very much. Just in stage racing emergency situations.--Heidi Volpe
This July, the Discovery Channel will join with heavyweight expedition travel operator G.A.P. Adventures to create its own adventure tourism business, Discovery Adventures. The will lead clients to 30 worldwide locales presumably featured on the channels programming, according to the Hollywood Reporter.The Monday announcement also included the revelation of Discoverys new line of outdoor gear, hopefully bearing the usual rainshells, boots, short-shorts and reinforced steel shark cages plastered with the blue earth logo. replica Rolex 116200-BKRSO Men's Watch Discovery released few details about pricing or specific destinations beyond major nations and world landmarks. If you cant wait for Discovery, check out our Adventure Issue for a list of the best adventure trips on the planet, selected with your budget in mind. Sean Brander